
Department Research

Featured Research

"Sivana is currently putting her research towards understanding how PMMA (Polymethyl 甲基丙烯酸酯)断裂以及冲击波如何在固体中传播. PMMA is an industrial produced resin, synthesized using the polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate. 它更广为人知的名字是丙烯酸或丙烯酸玻璃. 为了研究这一点,她使用了纹影技术 成像技术来观察冲击波在介质中的传播." ——摘自Alexandra Sartori的文章

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Research activity in the 机械工程 department spans multiple areas including aerospace, explosives, solid mechanics, thermal-fluid dynamics, composites, structural health monitoring, aerial vehicle design, high strain-rate mechanical testing, robotics, shock physics, computational modeling, sustainable infrastructures, and capstone design education.

Faculty collaborate with each other as well as with researchers from other departments such as Civil Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Business and Technology Management. In addition, some projects involve external collaboration with researchers from the 国家实验室和小企业.

项目由联邦政府资助(DTRA, NASA, U.S. 海军,NSF),国家实验室, and SBIR projects. 机械工程系的学生人数第二高 average research dollars per faculty member for FY ’19 among NMT academic departments.

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Current Research

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