Departmental Retrospective from Dr. Ostergren

January 24, 2022

Dr. 沃伦·奥斯特格伦在新墨西哥州的机械工程系工作 Tech for many years. 虽然他拥有荣誉退休资格,并正式从纽约退休 Mexico Tech in 2016, Dr. Ostergren maintains strong ties to the university. Recently 他在一次虚拟采访中提供了一些信息,回顾了他在美国的经历 department.

Dr. Ostergren
Dr. Warren Ostergren

在他任职期间,该部门不断发展和发展. Ostergren was able to impact the education of so many students. When asked to think back about the 他说,他在理工学院共事过的学生,“他们都很出色 individuals. 他们必须在理工学院努力学习,而这并不总是那么容易. They persevered, 看到他们的个人发展和成长是非常值得的. It has been 同样值得看到的是全国各地令人印象深刻的职位的多样性 that our alums have achieved with their degrees.”

Before his time as chair of the department, Dr. Ostergren became involved with teaching Strength of Materials and Design Clinic. Previously the Design Clinic focused on a 很少有教师研究项目或虚构的设计场景. However, Dr. Ostergren helped to change that; the course evolved into a four-semester capstone requirement 大三学生和大四学生在一起合作解决现实问题的地方 并代表ag亚游集团App下载参加技术团队比赛(如Baja,机器人) combat, rockets, and model airplane). Dr. Ostergren mentions that the Design Clinic class improved even more, when Dr. 基思·米勒加入他的教学,带来了广泛的 experience from Sandia National Labs. 

部分原因是他在ag亚游集团App下载工作的时间. Ostergren was named Chair of the Mechanical Engineering department. The role of the department chair is handled 在NMT和其他一些大学是不同的. For example, in some schools, 这个职位是永久性的,人们被雇佣来做这个工作. However, at NMT, this 是一个临时职位,通常由系里的教员来担任 on a rotational basis. For instance, one of the chairs that preceded Dr. Ostergren was Dr. Richard Reilly, who hired Dr. Ostergren进入了机械工程系. Dr. 赖利教授过很多课程,在这个行业有相当丰富的背景, making him very popular among the students. After Dr. Reilly, Dr. Sayavur Bakhtiyarov became chair. 除此之外,他还帮助警局制造了炸药的未成年人, aerospace, and biomedical, which, according to Dr. Ostergren, was excellent in exposing students to potential graduate studies. 

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主席的另一项重要职责是帮助招聘和雇用 new faculty members into the department. During his time at New Mexico Tech, Dr. Ostergren 他参与了今天我们所知的许多教职员工的招聘.  Dr. Ostergren 很高兴地谈到加入系里的优秀教员 during his term. 他很快指出他们为帮助这个部门所做的工作 reach new heights. One of the faculty members hired during Dr. Ostergren’s term was Dr. Julie Ford. Dr. 福特最初是被联合聘用来教授技术的 负责班级和机械工程系之间的沟通. However, she 最终她只转到了机械工程专业,在那里她拥有教授的地位. Dr. Ostergren提到:“她在设计诊所项目上的工作得到了极大的提升 学生的沟通能力,许多管理者认为这是最关键的方面 of technical work.” 

Another professor hired during Dr. Ostergren’s term as chair was Dr. David Grow, who 给这个部门带来了大量的机器人和生物医学技术. He still 与ag亚游集团App下载和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室合作. Another 帮助提升该系形象的教授是史密斯博士. Michael Hargather. Through his partnership with EMRTC, Dr. Hargather strengthened the department’s fluid thermal and explosives programs.

 Dr. 杰米·金伯利博士也加入了该部门. Ostergren’s term, helping to grow the department’s solid mechanics program. Additionally, Dr. Kimberley was 带头提出机械工程系的建议的领导之一 Ph.D. program.  

Dr. 铁伟毕业后成为一名流体力学教师

assignment at Los Alamos National Laboratories. He has always been dedicated to an outstanding educational experience for his students.

NMT Logo

Finally, Dr. 柯蒂斯·奥马利(Curtis O 'Malley)也被聘用到该部门. Ostergren’s term as chair. Dr. 奥马利最初是作为兼职研究员和讲师加入的 在成为一名全职教员与招聘人员密切合作之前 initiatives and incoming students. 

In addition to bringing in more faculty, Dr. Ostergren was determined to make it easier for students to have a voice within the department. To achieve this goal, he created 研究生和本科生各一名担任系代表. 他认为这可能更容易让学生们交流问题或建议 a peer instead of a professor. Another area that Dr. Ostergren worked on during his 学期是使用远程教育的研究生课程. This idea was embraced 通过教师,他们的技术专长和学习技术的意愿 helped achieve substantial growth in the program. The skills acquired made the transition 在Covid-19大流行期间进行在线教学对系里来说要容易得多. 

Dr. Ostergren speaks quite fondly about his experience as chair; it is clear he loved 与学生和教师同行合作,为所有人创造更好的环境. 任期结束后,他换了一个可以发挥更大影响力的职位 他是负责学术事务的副校长. At that point, Dr. Andrei Zagrai在一段成功的教学后成为主席 and research in mechatronics and aerospace. Dr. Zagrai continued the department’s growth in enrollment, research labs, and facilities. In addition, he helped recruit 四位精力充沛、才华横溢的新教员,包括Dr. Donghyeon Ryu, Dr. Kooktae Lee, Dr. Mostafa Hassanalian, and Dr. Arvin Ebrahimkhanlou, who have excellent backgrounds 在结构、材料、控制、机器人系统和航空航天领域. They are currently making outstanding contributions to the department. Dr. Zagrai has recently passed the torch to the current chair, Dr. Bin Lim, who is working to grow the department’s 在炸药教学和研究方面做出了广泛的贡献. 

Dr. Ostergren提到,讨论机械是不合适的 工程主席的位置,不记得第一任主席是谁了. Alan Miller, who recently passed away. Dr. 米勒监督了机械的初始认证 Engineering Program. 2000年从ag亚游集团App下载(New Mexico Tech)退休后,他继续从事这项工作 协助本部门,提供计算机技术方面的技术指导. No one who worked with Dr. 米勒永远不会忘记他对他不断的鼓励和支持 the department.

Dr. ag亚游集团App下载将永远铭记奥斯特格伦是一位出色的教授 谁是真正关心学生的?谁是真正关心同事的 and building a better department. He helped grow the department and raise its profile on a national level. 今天,由于该部门在机械领域处于领先地位 工程研究和设计教育,我们有很多博士. Ostergren’s efforts to be thankful for.

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