Payscale, College Factual Rank ag亚游集团App下载 No. 在新墨西哥州,排名第一 在全国范围内


来自Payscale的2018年排名.com’s College Salary Report and College Factual’s annual national college 排名 place ag亚游集团App下载 not only atop the list of New Mexico’s public four-year colleges by a wide margin, but also among the nation’s elite 机构.


索科罗,N.M. – 来自Payscale的2018年排名.com’s College Salary Report and College Factual’s annual national college 排名 place ag亚游集团App下载 not only atop the list of New Mexico’s public four-year colleges by a wide margin, but also among the nation’s elite 机构. 

New Mexico high-school graduates interested in pursuing a STEM degree enjoy a tremendous advantage in higher-education value and return on investment in ag亚游集团App下载. NMT的 undergraduate student body is made of of 87.4%新墨西哥州居民.


For the second year in a row, Tech is ranked No. 全国1 among all universities in Engineering and Physics when it comes to the best colleges 为了钱还是为了物有所值.  科技公司也重申了自己的第一名. 化学工程专业排名第一 and Mechanical Engineering while remaining in the Top 2% among all universities in Computer Science and in the Top 2% in Physical Sciences.

Tech is also in the Top 1% nationally in Mathematics, Top 2% in Mathematics and Statistics, Top 2% in Computer and Information Sciences, and Top 5% in Electrical Engineering. 总体而言,科技排名第一. 新墨西哥州第1名,第2名. 2 in the Southwest, and 31st nationally among 所有公立大学.

ag亚游集团App下载 received 44 awards from College Factual’s 2018 排名, all of which are granted to universities ranked in the top 15 percent nationally in one of its 类别.


寻找精英中的精英? Look into New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 获得物理学学位. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology physics 学生得2分.9% more than the average physics student.

College Factual 2018 Physics Best Value Rankings 

“New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is the best choice for students considering 化学工程学位.” - College Factual 2018 Chemical Engineering Best Value Rankings

“New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is the best choice if you are thinking about a college degree in Mechanical Engineering. 体验高度集中 on mechanical engineering inside the degree program at ag亚游集团App下载.” - College Factual 2018 Mechanical Engineering Best Value Rankings

 ag亚游集团App下载 College Factual Rankings 

PayScale 2018评分

薪资排名NMT第1位. 9 among nearly 1,000 public universities nationally on return 按年投资百分比计算. 该排名跃升至第1位. 6 .学生住 在校外.

The average cost of earning a degree at NMT is $76,000, with the average debt of $19.600. Over a 20-year career, a typical NMT graduate will have a return-on- investment of 网站上的数字是60.1万美元. NMT院长博士. Stephen G. Wells说 排名 provide tangible evidence of the lifetime value of a ag亚游集团App下载 education. 

Best Universities and Colleges by Salary Potential

ag亚游集团App下载排名第一. 19 nationally among 所有公立大学 by salary 潜在的. Tech is also ranked 21st among America’s engineering schools and 75th among 1,509 of the nation’s universities and colleges, public or private.

Payscale College Salary Report Rankings

Payscale 排名 for in-state tuition without 金融援助. 年投资回报率百分比 

9. ag亚游集团App下载(11.6% annual ROI, $76k total 4-year cost)

63. 新墨西哥州(9).1%, $76k)

150. 新墨西哥大学(8%,$80.1k)

267. 新墨西哥东部(7%,65美元).2k)

596. 新墨西哥高地(5).2%, $66.2k)

877. 新墨西哥州西部(2).3%, $82.5k)


Out-of state-tuition without 金融援助. 年投资回报率百分比 

73. ag亚游集团App下载(8.9% annual ROI, $123k total 4-year cost)

378. 新墨西哥州(6).3%, $129k)

547. 新墨西哥州东部(5).5%, $87.8k)

612. 新墨西哥大学(5).1%, $137k)

687. 新墨西哥高地(4).5%, $76k)

928. 新墨西哥州西部(0.7%, $114k)

When it comes to ROI for universities with 金融援助, ag亚游集团App下载 again tops 该州在全国排名第11位:


11. ag亚游集团App下载 (14% annual ROI, $76k total 4-year cost)

38. 新墨西哥州(12).5%, $76k)

235. 新墨西哥大学(9).3%, $80.1)

305. 新墨西哥州东部(8).8%, $65.2)

423. 新墨西哥高地(7).9%, $66.2)

874. 新墨西哥州西部(3).9%, $82.5)


Out-Of-State Tuition with 金融援助.

157. ag亚游集团App下载(10.2% annual ROI, $123k total 4-year cost)

411. 新墨西哥州(8%,12.9万美元)

592. 新墨西哥高地(6).8%, $76.1)

604. 新墨西哥州东部(6).7%, $87.8k)

720. 新墨西哥大学(5).8%, $137k)

874. 新墨西哥州西部(3).9%, $82.5k)

Payscale's 排名 based on a 20-year 网 ROI (Difference between 20-year median pay for a bachelor's graduate and 24-year high-school graduate, minus Total 4-Year 成本).

20-year 网 ROI Without 金融援助

28. ag亚游集团App下载 in-state ($601k 20-year 网 ROI) 

42. 新墨西哥理工州外(554,000美元)

181. 新墨西哥州州内(35.9万美元)

278. New Mexico State out-of-state ($306k)

317. University of New Mexico in-state ($291k)

465. University of New Mexico out-of-state (234k)

581. 新墨西哥州东部州内(18.9万美元)

646. Eastern New Mexico out-of-state ($167k)

779. New Mexico Highlands in-state ($117k)

906. 新墨西哥州西部州内(4.8万美元)

927. 新墨西哥州西部州外(16美元).2k)



31. ag亚游集团App下载 in-state ($627k 20-year 网 ROI) 

48. 新墨西哥理工州外(58万美元)

182. 新墨西哥州州内(394,000美元)

275. 新墨西哥州州外(34.1万美元)

353. University of New Mexico in-state ($308k)

492. University of New Mexico out-of-state ($251k)

601. 新墨西哥州东部州内(20.8万美元)

784. New Mexico Highlands in-state ($143k)

805. New Mexico Highlands out-of-state ($133k)

909. 新墨西哥州西部州内(69美元).9k)

930. 新墨西哥州西部州外(38美元).2)


All of the 排名 listed above are for on-campus students. ag亚游集团App下载领先 all of these 类别 for students living 在校外 as well:

In-state tuition without 金融援助, living 在校外. 年投资回报率百分比 

6. ag亚游集团App下载(11.6% annual ROI, $76k total 4-year cost)

54. 新墨西哥州州内(9).1%, $76k)

70. ag亚游集团App下载州外(8).9%, $123k)

204. 新墨西哥州立大学(7).5%, $87.3k)

326. 新墨西哥州东部州内(6.6%, $70.5k)

594. 新墨西哥州东部州外(5).2%, $93.1k)

643. University of New Mexico out-of-state (4.9%, $144k)

683. 新墨西哥高地州内(4).6%, $74.4k)

780. 新墨西哥高地,州外.9%, $84.3k)

882. 新墨西哥州西部州内(2).8%, $75.4k)

877. Western New Mexico out-of-state (1%, $107k)


Out-of-state tuition with 金融援助, living 在校外. 年投资回报率百分比

12. ag亚游集团App下载(13.年投资回报率为9%,76美元.4k总4年成本)

41. 新墨西哥州州内(12).4%, $76.7k)

137. ag亚游集团App下载州外(10).2%, $123k)

303. 新墨西哥州立大学(8).7%, $87.3k)

351. 新墨西哥州东部州内(8).3%, $70.5k)

568. 新墨西哥州高地州内(6).9%, $74.4k)

659. 新墨西哥州东部州外(6).3%, $93.1k)

714. 新墨西哥高地,州外(5).9%, $84.3k)

764. University of New Mexico out-of-state (5.5%, $144k)

849. 新墨西哥州西部州内(4.6%, $75.4k)

950. 新墨西哥州西部州外(2).2%, $107k)


In-state tuition without 金融援助, living 在校外. 20年的投资回报率. 网

20. ag亚游集团App下载(60万美元)

33. 新墨西哥理工州外(554,000美元)

186. 新墨西哥州州内(35.8万美元)

University of New Mexico in-state ($284k)

495. University of New Mexico out-of-state ($227k)

326. 新墨西哥州东部州内(18.4万美元)

684. Eastern New Mexico out-of-state ($161k)

819. New Mexico Highlands in-state ($108k)

846. New Mexico Highlands out-of-state ($98.5k)

882. 新墨西哥州西部州内(55美元).1k)

877. 新墨西哥州西部州外(23美元).3k)


Out-of-state tuition without 金融援助, living 在校外. 20年的投资回报率. 网

22. ag亚游集团App下载(62.7万美元)

37. 新墨西哥理工州外(58万美元)

184. 新墨西哥州州内(39.3万美元)

528. University of New Mexico out-of-state ($244k)

634. 新墨西哥州东部州内(18.4万美元)

701. Eastern New Mexico out-of-state ($202k)

817. New Mexico Highlands in-state ($135k)

838. New Mexico Highlands out-of-state ($125k)

919. 新墨西哥州西部州内(77美元).1k)

949. 新墨西哥州西部州外(45美元).3k)