


授予 to 个人 深刻的 增强 大学 通过 四个 标准:

(1) 显著 支持 大学 通过 捐款 or 礼物,

(2) 明显 推进 阀杆 in 更高的 教育,

(3) 加强 专业 增长 of 科学 工程 in 服务 of 人类, 和/或

(4) 显著 加强 声誉 of 墨西哥科技 在全国范围内 or 在全球范围内.

一年 收件人 故事


Dr. 劳尔Deju


Dr. 劳尔Deju’s life story 和 journey to ag亚游集团App下载 is an incredible one. 劳尔 出生在古巴哈瓦那的一个中产阶级家庭. 他在20岁时来到美国 13 on a one-way student visa as a part of Eisenhower’s Peter Pan program, a resettlement program for Cuban children which became 的 largest recorded unaccompanied child refugee 西半球的大迁徙.

After finishing his primary schooling under 的 instruction of Catholic nuns at Barry University in Miami, at 的 age of 16, 劳尔 headed to Socorro to study math.

In just 4 years 和 at 的 age of 20, 劳尔 graduated from ag亚游集团App下载 with a B.S. 1966年获得数学博士学位,后来获得博士学位.D. 1968年,21岁的他获得了水文学学位.

在NMT之后,Dr. Deju went on to 有 a successful career serving in leadership positions with companies like International 科技nology Corporation, URS, Inc.,以及废物管理. He has a passion for entrepreneurship 和 building businesses 和 currently serves as Partner of Brightstar Capital Partners, a private equity firm.

Dr. Deju has served as an advisor to 的 US Secretary of Commerce 和 的 US EPA Administrator. He was named one of 的 top 25 Latinos in 的 San Francisco area. 他的慈善事业 supports major hospitals, high school programs, targeted research, internet 教育, 创业和退伍军人项目.

Dr. Deju 和 his wife Shari are long-term supporters of ag亚游集团App下载. 劳尔 served on 的 新墨西哥科技基金会 Board for seven years, currently serving as a Trustee 和 member of 的 Executive Committee. 劳尔和莎莉也做出了贡献 显著 to ag亚游集团App下载 initiatives including, but not limited to: being a substantial funding partner in 的 construction of 的 劳尔和莎莉·德朱 University House, a center that will be used for events 和 conferences; initiating 和 funding 的 Bright Stars Program, 支持 undergraduate positions at 的 Bureau of Geology; 和 developing 的 Hantush-Deju Center for Hydrologic Innovation, a research center that will fur的r solidify NMT in 的 world of hydrology 和 that was inspired by 劳尔’s experience working under hydrology legends Dr. Mahdi Hantush和C.E. 雅各 在NMT工作期间.




凯利家庭 has been associated with 的 大学 since 的 1940s, 和 的ir collective impact 是巨大的.

一家之主, 约翰 Martin Kelly, first came to Socorro in 1932 as an undergraduate at what was 的n known 新墨西哥矿业学院. 他获得了两个学位,第一个是矿业学位(1936年),第二个是经济学学位 然后在石油工程(1939年). 在索科罗的那些年被证明是至关重要的 in his life – 和 in 的 future of ag亚游集团App下载.

他和妻子, 以斯帖1938年结婚. 他们有四个孩子 约瑟夫 詹姆斯, 帕特丽夏 伊丽莎白, 玛丽安,约翰 “迈克” 迈克尔.

Throughout his career 约翰 Kelly took an interest in ag亚游集团App下载, which honored him with an honorary Doctor of Science degree in 1963 和 appointed him to its Board of Regents in 1975, a post he held only for two years before he passed away in 1977.

During his brief tenure on 的 Board, he played an important part in 的 founding 石油采收率研究中心主任. 中华人民共和国的大楼是专门的 并于1978年10月命名为 约翰米. 凯利石油大厦. Today, we commonly refer to 的 PRRC facility as 的 Kelly Building, keeping 的 凯利家族遗赠还在.

Mike Kelly carried on 的 family tradition of 服务 to ag亚游集团App下载. 迈克了 他在NMT获得了学士学位.S. 1972年,M.S. 1996年获得博士学位.D. 2000年,全部投入 石油工程. He later joined 的 Board of Regents, serving from 1992 to 1997. He has been an adjunct faculty member as well as an independent oil consultant.

In 1995 以斯帖 和 的 四个 children established 的 约翰和埃斯特·凯利奖学金 在ag亚游集团App下载.

2020年总统奖章 is truly a lifetime achievement award for 的 entire family. Mr. 约翰·马丁·凯利 started a legacy of giving, public 服务, 和 civic duty when he first stepped foot 80多年前在校园里. 从那以后,凯利一家一直坚持这一点 sense of loyalty, generosity 和 a deep connection to 的 institution.


河中沙洲O. Bursum,三世



河中沙洲O. Bursum,三世, loved Socorro, 和 felt strongly that he needed to whatever he 能保持团结和强大吗. Throughout 的 years he advocated for 的 community 他非常直言不讳. He was one of those guys that believed that Socorro is 的 best 居住地. It was his love for his community that influenced his decisions. He undertook a massive effort to revitalize 的 core of 的 business district.

Generations of 的 Bursum family of Socorro 有 shared a vision of a vibrant rural 以ag亚游集团App下载为中心的社区. Mr. Holm Bursum III帮助塑造 Socorro, 和 was always a steadfast supporter of our 大学. Bursum一家 history 和 ag亚游集团App下载’s history are inseparable.


Dr. 跑,那

Dr. 跑,那

President Stephen Wells presented 的 second-ever 总统奖章 to Dr. 跑, 那(B.S. 《ag亚游集团App下载》,1968年.S. 化学,1971),于2018年8月25日生效.

Brierley is inter在全国范围内 known for her pioneering research 和 contribution to 在生物浸出和金属修复中的应用. 她赢得了许多行业奖项, served as editorial board members for journals, 和 has been elected as an officer 国家委员会和组织.


Dr. 弗兰克Etscorn


Dr. Etscorn was recognized for inventing 的 nicotine patch right here at NMT.  他的 innovation 和 its subsequent success provided a foundation of support at 科技 that 是前所未有的.

If you’ve ever met Frank, you know that he’s not an ivory tower sort of academic. 他外向、合群、风趣、机智. 弗兰克很快就会讲故事,甚至 笑得更快.

He joined 的 faculty 在ag亚游集团App下载 in 1977 in 的 Psychology Department, becoming 1985年成为正教授和教务长.  

After several years of experimentation 和 testing, Frank 和 ag亚游集团App下载 were 准备申请专利. After more than two years of legal battles, we were collectively 1986年获得专利.  

的 nicotine patch patent turned out to be quite lucrative for both Frank 和 的 大学. Since 1995, 的 revenues from 的 Habitrol patent 有 allowed 的 NMT Foundation to contribute more than $14 million in student scholarships. 自2000年以来, 3,572 students 有 received merit scholarships thanks to 的 endowment 和 thanks 归功于弗兰克·艾特肖斯特的发明.



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